Predict the right time to store
your crops & make Maximum Profits!



It has been quite often observed that there has been a bumper crop in a particular region at a particular time due to which the price of the crop falls heavily.There have been innumerable such scenarios where a big amount of crop yield gets wasted due to bumper crop in one season and then rises heavily in another season. All this happens due to poor management and storage facilities by government due to lack of contingency measures and planning for such situations. These calamities causes massive losses to both general citizens as well as the farmers. We as a team are planning to use soil data, weather information and market information for prices of crop to build predictive models that will tackle these situations by making the government aware in advance to take necessary action to save such crops in times of bumper crop and to use them at times of shortages. In this way the government can pre plan to build effective storage solutions for the particular crop that may have bumper production and use this at times of crisis. This will save a lot of farmers and citizens from market exploitation and thus will create a balance to meet the food demands of the nation.